Allied Fleets of TRMN
  1. First Naval District: MD, DE, PA, MA, CT, RI, NY, NJ, NH, VT, ME, DC (includes the greater DC Metro Area), and Northern VA*
  2. Second Navel District: MN, WI, IL, IN, OH, KY, and MI
  3. Third Naval District: outhern VA*, WV, NC, SC, MS, AL, TN, GA, FL and the Caribbean, Mexico and Latin America
  4. Fourth Naval District: United Kingdom
  5. Sixth Naval District: OK, TX, AR, LA, NE, KS, MO, IA, ND, and SD
  6. Seventh Naval District: Andermani Fleet, Central Europe, Israel, and South Africa
  7. Eighth Naval District: AZ, NM, UT, CO, WY, MT, and Eastern ID**
  8. Tenth Naval District: CA, OR, WA, NV, HI, and Western ID**
  9. Thirteenth Naval District: Eastern Europe


  1. ANZUS Station: Oceania, Australia & New Zealand
  2. Victoria Station: AK, BC, YT, NT, NU, SK, & AB***
  3. Sidemore Station: QC, ON, PE, NL, NS, MB, & NB****


  1. The division line between the 1st and 3rd Naval Districts in Virginia will be the 38th Parallel.
  2. ** “Eastern Idaho” consists of the portions state EAST of (and including) the Counties of Limhi, Custer, Blaine, Camas, Gooding and Twin Falls. “Western Idaho” shall include everything west of those counties including the panhandle.
  3. *** Victoria Station will be part of 10th Fleet, and the Station Commander will report to the 10th Fleet Commanding Officer.
  4. **** Sidemore Station will be part of 1st Fleet, and the Station Commander will report to the 1st Fleet Commanding Officer.
  5. Task Forces, Task Groups and Squadrons will be assigned by the First Space Lord (or appropriate divisional commander) in conjunction with the Fleet Commanders. A Fleet Commander must reside within their Fleet unless the fleet is division based. Initially, Fleet Commanders will be given the rank of Rear Admiral of the Red, unless